Annotating words in a historical document image archive for word image recognition purpose demands time and skilled human resource (like historians, paleographers). In a real-life scenario, obtaining sample images for all possible words is also not feasible. However, Zero-shot learning methods could aptly be used to recognize unseen/out-of-lexicon words in such historical document images. Based on previous state-of-the-art method for zero-shot word recognition Pho(SC)Net, we propose a hybrid model based on the CTC framework (Pho(SC)-CTC) that takes advantage of the rich features learned by Pho(SC)Net followed by a connectionist temporal classification (CTC) framework to perform the final classification. Encouraging results were obtained on two publicly available historical document datasets and one synthetic handwritten dataset, which justifies the efficacy of Pho(SC)-CTC and Pho(SC)Net.