The proposed method re-frames traditional inverse problems of electrocardiography into regression problems, constraining the solution space by decomposing signals with multidimensional Gaussian impulse basis functions. Impulse HSPs were generated with single Gaussian basis functions at discrete heart surface locations and projected to corresponding BSPs using a volume conductor torso model. Both BSP (inputs) and HSP (outputs) were mapped to regular 2D surface meshes and used to train a neural network. Predictive capabilities of the network were tested with unseen synthetic and experimental data. A dense full connected single hidden layer neural network was trained to map body surface impulses to heart surface Gaussian basis functions for reconstructing HSP. Synthetic pulses moving across the heart surface were predicted from the neural network with root mean squared error of $9.1\pm1.4$%. Predicted signals were robust to noise up to 20 dB and errors due to displacement and rotation of the heart within the torso were bounded and predictable. A shift of the heart 40 mm toward the spine resulted in a 4\% increase in signal feature localization error. The set of training impulse function data could be reduced and prediction error remained bounded. Recorded HSPs from in-vitro pig hearts were reliably decomposed using space-time Gaussian basis functions. Predicted HSPs for left-ventricular pacing had a mean absolute error of $10.4\pm11.4$ ms. Other pacing scenarios were analyzed with similar success. Conclusion: Impulses from Gaussian basis functions are potentially an effective and robust way to train simple neural network data models for reconstructing HSPs from decomposed BSPs. The HSPs predicted by the neural network can be used to generate activation maps that non-invasively identify features of cardiac electrical dysfunction and can guide subsequent treatment options.
翻译:拟议的方法将传统的心电图反向问题重新定位为回归问题,通过以多维高斯脉冲基础功能将信号分解,限制解决方案空间。在离散的心脏表面位置,用单高斯基功能生成了脉冲加速器,并用体积导导体透光度模型预测到相应的BSP。BSP(输入)和HSP(输出值)都映射到正常的 2D 表面介质,并用于训练神经网络。网络的预测能力通过隐蔽的合成和实验数据测试。一个密密全连接的单层绝对神经网络被训练成将身体表面脉冲映射到心脏表面的Gaus基功能重建HSP。从神经网络的合成脉冲脉冲脉冲预测出9.1\pm1.4美分方元。预测信号可以坚固到20 dB,由于心脏迁移和旋转而出现错误。40毫米的心电流直径直线脉冲神经网络向直径直径直径直径方向移动方向转换40毫米方向,通过直径直径直径直径直径直径直径直径的螺路路路路路路路路路路路机机变。