A new generation of cloud data warehouses has changed the landscape of information technology. This shift brings large amounts of data and compute power closer to many users in enterprises. The ability to directly access the warehouse data, interactively analyze and explore it at scale can empower users, improving the effectiveness and efficiency of their decision making cycles as never before. However, existing tools for querying, analyzing, and exploring data in cloud warehouses are either limited in facilitating iterative ad-hoc analysis or difficult to use for the largest segment of enterprise users, who have limited time, interest, or skills for writing queries. Here we present Sigma Worksheet, a new system for interactively constructing data warehouse queries through visual direct manipulation. Sigma Worksheet enables users to perform powerful interactive ad-hoc visual data analysis without requiring programs, scripts, or SQL queries. To this end, it combines the notion of a multidimensional data cube with an expressive, spreadsheet-like query construction interface, in order to ease the generation of otherwise complex queries. The Worksheet interface borrows successful features from electronic spreadsheets to support the large segment of users familiar with that environment. We demonstrate the expressivity of Sigma Worksheet with several usage examples and report on its accessibility through user feedback we elicited since its deployment. Our user feedback suggests that Sigma Worksheet provides an easier to use and learn interface for data warehouses, improving the data analysis and exploration experience for both expert and non-expert enterprise users.
翻译:新一代云层数据仓库改变了信息技术的景观。这一转变使大量的数据和计算能力更接近企业的许多用户。直接访问仓库数据、交互分析和大规模分析的能力,能够增强用户的能力,提高决策周期的效益和效率。然而,云层仓库现有的查询、分析和探索数据工具要么有限,无法促进迭接性特别分析,要么难以用于最大的企业用户部分,这些用户的时间、兴趣或写查询技能有限。这里我们介绍了Sigma工作表,这是一个通过直观直接操作互动构建数据仓库查询的新系统。Sigma工作表使用户能够进行强大的自动模拟数据分析,而不需要程序、脚本或SQL查询。为此,它把多层面数据立方的概念与直观的、电子表格式的查询构建界面结合起来,以便方便生成本来很复杂的查询。工作表接口从电子电子电子表格中学习成功的特点,以支持熟悉环境的大用户部分。Sigma工作表使用户能够进行强大的自动互动的图像分析,我们通过Sigma工作表格来改进用户的可获取性,我们通过一些数据分析来进行数据检索。我们通过Sigma工作表格,我们用了一些数据分析,我们用了一些数据分析,我们用了一些比较容易的用户反馈,我们用了一些数据分析。我们从Sgmaly 和我们用了一些数据表格来学习了它用了一些数据分析。