We develop a learning-based algorithm for the distributed formation control of networked multi-agent systems governed by unknown, nonlinear dynamics. Most existing algorithms either assume certain parametric forms for the unknown dynamic terms or resort to unnecessarily large control inputs in order to provide theoretical guarantees. The proposed algorithm avoids these drawbacks by integrating neural network-based learning with adaptive control in a two-step procedure. In the first step of the algorithm, each agent learns a controller, represented as a neural network, using training data that correspond to a collection of formation tasks and agent parameters. These parameters and tasks are derived by varying the nominal agent parameters and the formation specifications of the task in hand, respectively. In the second step of the algorithm, each agent incorporates the trained neural network into an online and adaptive control policy in such a way that the behavior of the multi-agent closed-loop system satisfies a user-defined formation task. Both the learning phase and the adaptive control policy are distributed, in the sense that each agent computes its own actions using only local information from its neighboring agents. The proposed algorithm does not use any a priori information on the agents' unknown dynamic terms or any approximation schemes. We provide formal theoretical guarantees on the achievement of the formation task.