We propose a Bayesian meta-analysis to infer the current expansion rate of the Universe, called the Hubble constant ($H_0$), via time delay cosmography. Inputs of the meta-analysis are estimates of two properties for each pair of gravitationally lensed images; time delay and Fermat potential difference estimates with their standard errors. A meta-analysis can be appealing in practice because obtaining each estimate from even a single lens system involves substantial human efforts, and thus estimates are often separately obtained and published. This work focuses on combining these estimates from independent studies to infer $H_0$ in a robust manner. For this purpose, we adopt Student's $t$ error for the inputs of the meta-analysis. We investigate properties of the resulting $H_0$ estimate via two simulation studies with realistic imaging data. It turns out that the meta-analysis can infer $H_0$ with sub-percent bias and about 1 percent level of coefficient of variation, even when 30 percent of inputs are manipulated to be outliers. We also apply the meta-analysis to three gravitationally lensed systems, and estimate $H_0$ by $75.632 \pm 6.918$ (km/second/Mpc), which covers a wide range of $H_0$ estimates obtained under different physical processes. An R package, h0, is publicly available for fitting the proposed meta-analysis.