The automotive industry has evolved significantly since the introduction of the Ford Model T in 1908. Today's vehicles are not merely mechanical constructs; they are integral components of a complex digital ecosystem, equipped with advanced connectivity features powered by Artificial Intelligence and cloud computing technologies. This evolution has enhanced vehicle safety, efficiency, and the overall driving experience. However, it also introduces new challenges, notably in cybersecurity. With the increasing integration of digital technologies, vehicles have become more susceptible to cyber-attacks, prompting significant cybersecurity concerns. These concerns include securing sensitive data, protecting vehicles from unauthorized access, and ensuring user privacy. In response, the automotive industry is compelled to adopt robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard both vehicles and data against potential threats. Legislative frameworks such as UNR155 and UNR156 by the United Nations, along with other international regulations, aim to establish stringent cybersecurity mandates. These regulations require compliance with comprehensive cybersecurity management systems and necessitate regular updates and testing to cope with the evolving nature of cyber threats. The introduction of such regulations highlights the growing recognition of cybersecurity as a critical component of automotive safety and functionality. The future of automotive cybersecurity lies in the continuous development of advanced protective measures and collaborative efforts among all stakeholders, including manufacturers, policymakers, and cybersecurity professionals. Only through such concerted efforts can the industry hope to address the dual goals of innovation in vehicle functionality and stringent security measures against the backdrop of an increasingly interconnected digital landscape.