Digital cameras transform sensor RAW readings into RGB images by means of their Image Signal Processor (ISP). Computational photography tasks such as image denoising and colour constancy are commonly performed in the RAW domain, in part due to the inherent hardware design, but also due to the appealing simplicity of noise statistics that result from the direct sensor readings. Despite this, the availability of RAW images is limited in comparison with the abundance and diversity of available RGB data. Recent approaches have attempted to bridge this gap by estimating the RGB to RAW mapping: handcrafted model-based methods that are interpretable and controllable usually require manual parameter fine-tuning, while end-to-end learnable neural networks require large amounts of training data, at times with complex training procedures, and generally lack interpretability and parametric control. Towards addressing these existing limitations, we present a novel hybrid model-based and data-driven ISP that builds on canonical ISP operations and is both learnable and interpretable. Our proposed invertible model, capable of bidirectional mapping between RAW and RGB domains, employs end-to-end learning of rich parameter representations, i.e. dictionaries, that are free from direct parametric supervision and additionally enable simple and plausible data augmentation. We evidence the value of our data generation process by extensive experiments under both RAW image reconstruction and RAW image denoising tasks, obtaining state-of-the-art performance in both. Additionally, we show that our ISP can learn meaningful mappings from few data samples, and that denoising models trained with our dictionary-based data augmentation are competitive despite having only few or zero ground-truth labels.
翻译:数字相机将传感器 RAW 读数转换成 RGB 图像信号处理器(ISP) 图像信号处理器(ISP), 将传感器 RAW 的传感器读数转换成 RGB 图像。 在RAW 域中,通常会进行图像解析和颜色凝固等计算式摄影任务,部分是由于固有的硬件设计,但也由于直接传感器读数产生的噪音统计非常简单。 尽管如此,与现有 RGB 数据的丰富性和多样性相比, RAW 图像的提供有限。 最近的方法试图通过估算 RGB 至 RAW 的样本来缩小这一差距: 手动模型基于模型的可解释和控制的方法通常需要人工参数的微调,而端到端的学习神经网络网络需要大量的培训数据,有时需要复杂的培训程序,而且一般缺乏可解释性和参数控制。 为解决这些现有局限性,我们展示了一种新型的混合模型和数据驱动的ISP, 并且可以学习和解释。 我们所推荐的、 从 RAW 和 RGB 轨道 域域域域域的双向双向绘图图绘制模型的模型,, 使用简单的升级 直接的升级的升级 数据转换的升级的升级的升级的升级的模型 和升级的升级的演示图解析图 。