Efficient estimation methods for simultaneous autoregressive (SAR) models with missing data in the response variable have been well-developed in the literature. It is common practice to introduce a measurement error into SAR models. The measurement error serves to distinguish the noise component from the spatial process. However, the previous literature has not considered adding a measurement error to the SAR models with missing data. The maximum likelihood estimation for such models with large datasets is challenging and computationally expensive. This paper proposes two efficient likelihood-based estimation methods: the marginal maximum likelihood (ML) and expectation-maximisation (EM) algorithms for estimating SAR models with both measurement errors and missing data in the response variable. The spatial error model (SEM) and the spatial autoregressive model (SAM), two popular SAR model types, are considered. The missing data mechanism is assumed to follow missing at random (MAR). While naive calculation approaches lead to computational complexities of $O(n^3)$, where n is the total number of observations, our computational approaches for both the marginal ML and EM algorithms are designed to reduce the computational complexity. The performance of the proposed methods is investigated empirically using simulated and real datasets.