We investigate the parameterized complexity of several problems formalizing cluster identification in graphs. In other words we ask whether a graph contains a large enough and sufficiently connected subgraph. We study here three relaxations of CLIQUE: $s$-CLUB and $s$-CLIQUE, in which the relaxation is focused on the distances in respectively the cluster and the original graph, and $\gamma$-COMPLETE SUBGRAPH in which the relaxation is made on the minimal degree in the cluster. As these three problems are known to be NP-hard, we study here their parameterized complexities. We prove that $s$-CLUB and $s$-CLIQUE are NP-hard even restricted to graphs of degeneracy $\le 3$ whenever $s \ge 3$, and to graphs of degeneracy $\le 2$ whenever $s \ge 5$, which is a strictly stronger result than its W[1]-hardness parameterized by the degeneracy. We also obtain that these problems are solvable in polynomial time on graphs of degeneracy $1$. Concerning $\gamma$-COMPLETE SUBGRAPH, we prove that it is W[1]-hard parameterized by both the degeneracy, which implies the W[1]-hardness parameterized by the number of vertices in the $\gamma$-complete-subgraph, and the number of elements outside the $\gamma$-complete subgraph.
翻译:我们研究了图中聚类识别的几个问题的参数化复杂度,即询问一个图中是否包含足够大且连接适当的子图。我们在此研究了 CLIQUE 的三个松弛问题:$s$-CLUB 和 $s$-CLIQUE,其中松弛侧重于相应群集和原始图中的距离;以及 $\gamma$-COMPLETE SUBGRAPH 松弛,其侧重于集群中的最小度数。由于这三个问题已知是 NP-难的,在此我们研究它们的参数化复杂度。我们证明当 $s \ge 3$ 时,$s$-CLUB 和 $s$-CLIQUE 即使在 degeneracy $\le 3$ 的图中,及在 degeneracy $\le 2$ 的图中也是 NP-难的,这比相对于 degeneracy 的 W[1]-hardness 更强。我们还得出这些问题在 degeneracy 为 $1$ 的图中可在多项式时间内解决。关于 $\gamma$-COMPLETE SUBGRAPH,我们证明其参数化复杂度是 W[1]-hard,包括相对于 degeneracy 的、相对于 $\gamma$-COMPLETE SUBGRAPH 中顶点数的和相对于 $\gamma$-COMPLETE SUBGRAPH 外部元素数的。