#MyBodyMyChoice is a well-known hashtag originally created to advocate for women's rights, often used in discourse about abortion and bodily autonomy. The Covid-19 outbreak prompted governments to take containment measures such as vaccination campaigns and mask mandates. Population groups opposed to such measures started to use the slogan "My Body My Choice" to claim their bodily autonomy. In this paper, we investigate whether the discourse around the hashtag #MyBodyMyChoice on Twitter changed its usage after the Covid-19 outbreak. We observe that the conversation around the hashtag changed in two ways. First, semantically, the hashtag #MyBodyMyChoice drifted towards conversations around Covid-19, especially in messages opposed to containment measures. Second, while before the pandemic users used to share content produced by experts and authorities, after Covid-19 the users' attention has shifted towards individuals.
翻译:@MyBodyMyMyChoice(MyBodyMyMyChoice)是一个众所周知的标签, 原本是用来倡导妇女权利的, 通常用于讨论堕胎和身体自主。Covid-19爆发促使政府采取防疫措施, 如疫苗接种运动和面具任务。反对这些措施的人口群体开始使用“我的身体我的选择”的口号来声称他们的身体自主。在本文中, 我们调查Twitter上有关#MyBodyMyChoice的言论在Covid-19爆发后是否改变了使用。 我们观察到围绕标签的谈话有两种变化。 首先, 语义上, 标签#MyBodyMyMyChoice(MyBoodyChoice)漂浮在Covid-19周围的对话上, 特别是反对遏制措施的信息。 其次,在大流行病使用者习惯分享专家和当局所制作的内容之前, 在Covid-19使用者的注意力转移到个人身上。