Though neural radiance fields (NeRF) have demonstrated impressive view synthesis results on objects and small bounded regions of space, they struggle on "unbounded" scenes, where the camera may point in any direction and content may exist at any distance. In this setting, existing NeRF-like models often produce blurry or low-resolution renderings (due to the unbalanced detail and scale of nearby and distant objects), are slow to train, and may exhibit artifacts due to the inherent ambiguity of the task of reconstructing a large scene from a small set of images. We present an extension of mip-NeRF (a NeRF variant that addresses sampling and aliasing) that uses a non-linear scene parameterization, online distillation, and a novel distortion-based regularizer to overcome the challenges presented by unbounded scenes. Our model, which we dub "mip-NeRF 360" as we target scenes in which the camera rotates 360 degrees around a point, reduces mean-squared error by 54% compared to mip-NeRF, and is able to produce realistic synthesized views and detailed depth maps for highly intricate, unbounded real-world scenes.
翻译:虽然神经光亮场(NeRF)已经展示了令人印象深刻的物体和空间小封闭区域的合成结果,但它们在“无线”场景上挣扎,照相机可以指向任何方向和内容,在任何距离都可能存在。在这种环境下,现有的类似NeRF的模型往往产生模糊或低分辨率的成像(由于附近和远处物体的细度和大小不平衡),培训缓慢,可能由于从一小片图像组中重建大场景的任务固有的模糊性而展示人工制品。我们展示了MIP-NERF(一个处理取样和别名的NERF变体)的延伸,该变体使用非线性场景参数化、在线蒸馏和新颖的基于扭曲的定型器来克服无界场景所带来的挑战。我们的模型(我们把“mip-NERF 360”作为镜头的场景点,摄影机在一个点周围旋转360度,从而将平均误差减少54%,比MIP-NERF减少54%,并且能够为高度复杂、无界的现实综合观点和详细深度地图绘制。