This study introduces an innovative design for a Variable Stiffness 3 Degrees of Freedom actuated wrist capable of actively and continuously adjusting its overall stiffness by modulating the active length of non-linear elastic elements. This modulation is akin to human muscular cocontraction and is achieved using only four motors. The mechanical configuration employed results in a compact and lightweight device with anthropomorphic characteristics, making it potentially suitable for applications such as prosthetics and humanoid robotics. This design aims to enhance performance in dynamic tasks, improve task adaptability, and ensure safety during interactions with both people and objects. The paper details the first hardware implementation of the proposed design, providing insights into the theoretical model, mechanical and electronic components, as well as the control architecture. System performance is assessed using a motion capture system. The results demonstrate that the prototype offers a broad range of motion ($[55, -45]${\deg} for flexion/extension, $\pm48${\deg} for radial/ulnar deviation, and $\pm180${\deg} for pronation/supination) while having the capability to triple its stiffness. Furthermore, following proper calibration, the wrist posture can be reconstructed through multivariate linear regression using rotational encoders and the forward kinematic model. This reconstruction achieves an average Root Mean Square Error of 7.2{\deg}, with an $R^2$ value of 0.9.