The pseudoinverse of a matrix, a generalized notion of the inverse, is of fundamental importance in linear algebra. However, there does not exist a closed form representation of the pseudoinverse, which can be straightforwardly computed. Therefore, an algorithmic computation is necessary. An algorithmic computation can only be evaluated by also considering the underlying hardware, typically digital hardware, which is responsible for performing the actual computations step by step. In this paper, we analyze if and to what degree the pseudoinverse actually can be computed on digital hardware platforms modeled as Turing machines. For this, we utilize the notion of an effective algorithm which describes a provably correct computation: upon an input of any error parameter, the algorithm provides an approximation within the given error bound with respect to the unknown solution. We prove that an effective algorithm for computing the pseudoinverse of any matrix can not exist on a Turing machine, although provably correct algorithms do exist for specific classes of matrices. Even more, our results introduce a lower bound on the accuracy that can be obtained algorithmically when computing the pseudoinverse on Turing machines.