Buhrman, Cleve and Wigderson (STOC'98) showed that for every Boolean function f : {-1,1}^n to {-1,1} and G in {AND_2, XOR_2}, the bounded-error quantum communication complexity of the composed function f o G equals O(Q(f) log n), where Q(f) denotes the bounded-error quantum query complexity of f. This is in contrast with the classical setting, where it is easy to show that R^{cc}(f o G) < 2 R(f), where R^{cc} and R denote bounded-error communication and query complexity, respectively. Chakraborty et al. (CCC'20) exhibited a total function for which the log n overhead in the BCW simulation is required. We improve upon their result in several ways. We show that the log n overhead is not required when f is symmetric, generalizing a result of Aaronson and Ambainis for the Set-Disjointness function (Theory of Computing'05). This upper bound assumes a shared entangled state, though for most symmetric functions the assumed number of entangled qubits is less than the communication and hence could be part of the communication. To prove this, we design an efficient distributed version of noisy amplitude amplification that allows us to prove the result when f is the OR function. In view of our first result, one may ask whether the log n overhead in the BCW simulation can be avoided even when f is transitive. We give a strong negative answer by showing that the log n overhead is still necessary for some transitive functions even when we allow the quantum communication protocol an error probability that can be arbitrarily close to 1/2. We also give, among other things, a general recipe to construct functions for which the log n overhead is required in the BCW simulation in the bounded-error communication model, even if the parties are allowed to share an arbitrary prior entangled state for free.
翻译:Buhrman, Cleve 和 Wigderson (STOC'98) 显示,对于每个布尔函数 f : {AND_2, XOR_2} {AND_1, 1} 和 G, 组合函数f o G 等于 O(Q(f) log n) 的受约束- eror 量通信复杂性, Q(f) 表示F的受约束- err 量查询复杂性。 这与经典设置不同, 经典设置很容易显示 Rcc} (f o G) < 2 R(f), 其中R ⁇ cc} 和 R demote- 受约束- er 通信和查询复杂性, 分别显示 {AND_ 2, 绑定的 约束性- 度通信复杂性( CCC20), 组成一个总函数, 需要 BCC 模拟的日志, 其结果以若干种方式加以改进。 我们的日志仍然不需要当 form com 通信的日志向我们提供 。