One of the difficulties of applying a SEA force control is the complexity that exists when implementing its three main components, which must work together one after the other. To facilitate the implementation of a force control by SEA, in this thesis the pneumatic force sensor is developed. A pneumatic force sensor differs from other force sensors in that it can work as a force sensor and as an elastic element. These features facilitate the implementation of force control by SEA, by reducing the number of components required. On the other hand, the pneumatic force sensor has reduced proportions to facilitate its installation in manipulator robots and biomechatronic prostheses. The first step that was made for the development of the pneumatic force sensor was the construction of the mathematical model of the sensor, to later use the MATLAB / Simulink software to simulate it. With the data obtained from the simulation of the mathematical model, the CAD model and the sensor planes were developed in SolidWorks software. Subsequently, the prototype of the pneumatic force sensor was built based on the plans made in the SolidWorks software. Once the stage of construction of the pneumatic force sensor was completed, the calibration and classification of the force sensor was carried out based on the UNE-EN ISO 376 standard, and the experimental tests were carried out to validate the sensor. Once the classification of the pneumatic force sensor was obtained, the results of the simulation of the mathematical model were compared with the results of the experimental test. vi In the comparison, it was possible to show a graphic coherence in the results obtained, validating the pneumatic force sensor system.
翻译:应用 SEA 部队控制的困难之一是,在实施其三个主要部件时存在的复杂性,这三部分必须相互配合。为了便利SEA实施部队控制,在这个主题中开发了气压感应器。一个气压感应器不同于其他力感应器,因为它可以用作一种力感应器和弹性元素。这些特征有助于SEA通过减少所需部件的数量来实施武力控制。另一方面,气压感应器已经缩小了比例,以便利其安装在操控机器人和生物气象假肢中。为开发气压感应器而迈出的第一步是建造传感器的数学模型,随后将MATLAB/Simmlink软件用于模拟它。随着从模拟数学模型获得的数据,CADAD模型和传感器飞机是在SolidWorks软件中开发的。随后,气压感应感应传感器传感器的原型号建于SolidWorps 的图上。在SolidWork Serval Seral Servormation上,在Silal Seral Seral Seral Seral Seral Serv 上完成了一个测试,之后,在Seral Seral Seral Seral Serviewal Serv 之后,在Serv 一级进行了一次的测试测试测试,在Servilislation上完成了一个测试,在Servild Servild上完成了。