Gradient-boosting decision forests, as used by algorithms such as XGBoost or AdaBoost, offer higher accuracy and lower training times for large datasets than decision trees. Protocols for private inference over decision trees can be used to preserve the privacy of the input data as well as the privacy of the trees. However, naively extending private inference over decision trees to private inference over decision forests by replicating the protocols leads to impractical running times. In this paper, we explore extending the private decision inference protocol using homomorphic encryption by Mahdavi et al. (CCS 2023) to decision forests. We present several optimizations that identify and then remove (approximate) duplication between the trees in a forest and hence achieve significant improvements in communication and computation cost over the naive approach. To the best of our knowledge, we present the first private inference protocol for highly scalable gradient-boosting decision forests. Our optimizations extend beyond Mahdavi et al.'s protocol to various private inference protocols for gradient-boosting decision trees. Our protocol's inference time is faster than the baseline of parallel running the protocol by Mahdavi et al.~by up to 28.1x, and faster than Zama's Concrete ML XGBoost by up to 122.25x.