We have implemented the Memento MediaWiki Extension Version 2.0, which brings the Memento Protocol to MediaWiki, used by Wikipedia and the Wikimedia Foundation. Test results show that the extension has a negligible impact on performance. Two 302 status code datetime negotiation patterns, as defined by Memento, have been examined for the extension: Pattern 1.1, which requires 2 requests, versus Pattern 2.1, which requires 3 requests. Our test results and mathematical review find that, contrary to intuition, Pattern 2.1 performs better than Pattern 1.1 due to idiosyncrasies in MediaWiki. In addition to implementing Memento, Version 2.0 allows administrators to choose the optional 200-style datetime negotiation Pattern 1.2 instead of Pattern 2.1. It also permits administrators the ability to have the Memento MediaWiki Extension return full HTTP 400 and 500 status codes rather than using standard MediaWiki error pages. Finally, version 2.0 permits administrators to turn off recommended Memento headers if desired. Seeing as much of our work focuses on producing the correct revision of a wiki page in response to a user's datetime input, we also examine the problem of finding the correct revisions of the embedded resources, including images, stylesheets, and JavaScript; identifying the issues and discussing whether or not MediaWiki must be changed to support this functionality.
翻译:我们实施了Memento MediaWiki 扩展版本2.0, 该版本将MediaWiki的MediaWiki的Memento协议变为MediaWiki的版本。 测试结果表明, 扩展对业绩的影响微乎其微。 对Memento MediaWiki 定义的2 302 状态代码日期谈判模式进行了延期审查: 模式1.1, 需要2个请求, 而模式2.1 需要3个请求。 我们的测试结果和数学审查发现, 模式2.1 与直觉相反, 由于媒体Wiki 的特质, 模式2.1 模式比模式1.1 更好。 除了实施 Memento 外, 版本2.0 允许管理员选择可选的200式日期谈判模式 1.2, 而不是模式 2.1 。 测试结果还允许管理员将Memento MediaWiki 扩展的功能返回 HTTTP 400 和 500 状态代码, 而不是使用标准的 MediaWiki 错误页面。 最后, 允许管理员在需要时关闭MementioWi 头号选项时, 选项。 我们大部分工作的重点是是针对用户日期投入输入的版本, 格式的版本, 问题, 。