We introduce the rendezvous game with adversaries. In this game, two players, {\sl Facilitator} and {\sl Disruptor}, play against each other on a graph. Facilitator has two agents, and Disruptor has a team of $k$ agents located in some vertices of the graph. They take turns in moving their agents to adjacent vertices (or staying). Facilitator wins if his agents meet in some vertex of the graph. The goal of Disruptor is to prevent the rendezvous of Facilitator's agents. Our interest is to decide whether Facilitator can win. It appears that, in general, the problem is PSPACE-hard and, when parameterized by $k$, co-W[2]-hard. Moreover, even the game's variant where we ask whether Facilitator can ensure the meeting of his agents within $\tau$ steps is co-NP-complete already for $\tau=2$. On the other hand, for chordal and $P_5$-free graphs, we prove that the problem is solvable in polynomial time. These algorithms exploit an interesting relation of the game and minimum vertex cuts in certain graph classes. Finally, we show that the problem is fixed-parameter tractable parameterized by both the graph's neighborhood diversity and $\tau$.
翻译:我们介绍对手的会合游戏。 在这个游戏中, 两个玩家, ~ 主持人 ~ 和 ~ 破坏者, 在图表上互相竞争。 主持人有两个代理人, 破坏者在图形的一些顶点里有一个由美元代理组成的团队。 他们轮流将自己的代理人转移到相邻的顶点( 或留下来 ) 。 如果他的代理人在图形的某个顶点里相遇, 调解人的目标就是阻止调解人代理人的会合。 我们的兴趣是决定调解人能否获胜。 一般来说, 问题在于 PSPACE- 硬, 当以美元、 co- W [ 2 - 硬度作为参数参数参数时, 破坏者有一支由美元代理组成的团队。 此外, 游戏的变式是, 我们问调解人能否确保他的代理人在$tau 级内见面, 或停留。 如果他的代理人在图形的某个顶点上相会成功。 另一方面, 对于chordaldal 和 $P_ 5$- free 图表, 我们的兴趣在于决定调解人能否获胜。 。 问题一般是 PSPCE- hard- hardal legramal lexal 。