Exoskeleton devices impose kinematic constraints on a user's motion and affect their stability due to added mass but also due to the simplified mechanical design. This paper investigates how these constraints resulting from simplified mechanical designs impact the gait kinematics and stability of users by wearing an ankle exoskeleton with changeable degree of freedom (DoF). The exoskeleton used in this paper allows one, two, or three DoF at the ankle, simulating different levels of mechanical complexity. This effect was evaluated in a pilot study consisting of six participants walking on a straight path. The results show that increasing the exoskeleton DoF results in an improvement of several metrics, including kinematics and gait parameters. The transition from 1 DoF to 2 DoF is shown to have a larger effect than the transition from 2 DoF to 3 DoF for an ankle exoskeleton. However, an exoskeleton with 3 DoF at the ankle featured the best results. Increasing the number of DoF resulted in stability values closer the values when walking without the exoskeleton, despite the added weight of the exoskeleton.