Asthma is a common chronic disease of the respiratory system causing significant disability and societal burden. It affects more than 300 million people worldwide, while more than 100 million people will likely have asthma by 2025. The price of asthma varies greatly from nation to nation. Mean yearly cost can be estimated to 1900 EUR in Europe and $3100 in the United States. Managing asthma involves controlling symptoms, preventing exacerbations, and maintaining lung function. Improved asthma control is reduces the risk of exacerbations and lung function impairment while reducing the direct costs of asthma care and indirect costs associated with reduced productivity. Understanding the complex dynamics of the pulmonary system and the lung's response to disease is fundamental to the advancement of Asthma treatment. Computational models of the respiratory system seek to provide a theoretical framework to understand the interaction between structure and function. Their application can improve pulmonary medicine by a patient-specific approach to medicinal methodologies optimizing the delivery given the personalized geometry and personalized ventilation patterns. A three-fold objective is addressed within this dissertation. The first part refers to the comprehension of pulmonary pathophysiology and the mechanics of Asthma and subsequently of constrictive pulmonary conditions in general. The second part refers to the design and implementation of tools that facilitate personalized medicine to improve delivery and effectiveness. Finally, the third part refers to the self-management of the condition, meaning that medical personnel and patients have access to tools and methods that allow the first party to easily track the course of the condition and the second party, i.e. the patient to easily self-manage it alleviating the significant burden from the health system.
翻译:哮喘是呼吸系统常见的慢性疾病,造成严重的残疾和社会负担,它影响到全世界3亿多人,而到2025年,可能有1亿多人患有哮喘。哮喘的价格因国而异。欧洲每年平均成本估计为1 900欧元,美国为3 100美元。治疗哮喘涉及控制症状、防止恶化和保持肺功能。改进哮喘控制可以减少恶化和肺功能受损的风险,同时降低哮喘护理的直接成本和与生产力下降相关的间接成本。了解肺系统的复杂性动态和肺部对疾病的应对是推进阿司马治疗的基础。呼吸系统的综合模型力求提供一个理论框架,以了解结构和功能之间的相互作用。根据个性化地理测量和个性化通风模式,治疗哮喘和肺功能功能受损的风险会降低。改进哮喘护理的直接成本,同时降低哮喘护理的直接成本和与生产力下降相关的间接成本。第一部分指的是对肺部第二病理系统的复杂动态和肺部对肺部病理学反应的反应。 呼吸系统的综合模型试图提供一个理论框架,以便了解结构和个人病理学工具的最终交付。