Sketches are the most abstract 2D representations of real-world objects. Although a sketch usually has geometrical distortion and lacks visual cues, humans can effortlessly envision a 3D object from it. This suggests that sketches encode the information necessary for reconstructing 3D shapes. Despite great progress achieved in 3D reconstruction from distortion-free line drawings, such as CAD and edge maps, little effort has been made to reconstruct 3D shapes from free-hand sketches. We study this task and aim to enhance the power of sketches in 3D-related applications such as interactive design and VR/AR games. Unlike previous works, which mostly study distortion-free line drawings, our 3D shape reconstruction is based on free-hand sketches. A major challenge for free-hand sketch 3D reconstruction comes from the insufficient training data and free-hand sketch diversity, e.g. individualized sketching styles. We thus propose data generation and standardization mechanisms. Instead of distortion-free line drawings, synthesized sketches are adopted as input training data. Additionally, we propose a sketch standardization module to handle different sketch distortions and styles. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our model and its strong generalizability to various free-hand sketches. Our code is publicly available at