Fast diagnosis and treatment of pneumothorax, a collapsed or dropped lung, is crucial to avoid fatalities. Pneumothorax is typically detected on a chest X-ray image through visual inspection by experienced radiologists. However, the detection rate is quite low. Therefore, there is a strong need for automated detection systems to assist radiologists. Despite the high accuracy levels generally reported for deep learning classifiers in many applications, they may not be useful in clinical practice due to the lack of large number of high-quality labelled images as well as a lack of interpretation possibility. Alternatively, searching in the archive of past cases to find matching images may serve as a 'virtual second opinion' through accessing the metadata of matched evidently diagnosed cases. To use image search as a triaging/diagnosis tool, all chest X-ray images must first be tagged with identifiers, i.e., deep features. Then, given a query chest X-ray image, the majority vote among the top k retrieved images can provide a more explainable output. While image search can be clinically more viable, its detection performance needs to be investigated at a scale closer to real-world practice. We combined 3 public datasets to assemble a repository with more than 550,000 chest X-ray images. We developed the Autoencoding Thorax Net (short AutoThorax-Net) for image search in chest radiographs compressing three inputs: the left chest side, the flipped right side, and the entire chest image. Experimental results show that image search based on AutoThorax-Net features can achieve high identification rates providing a path towards real-world deployment. We achieved 92% AUC accuracy for a semi-automated search in 194,608 images (pneumothorax and normal) and 82% AUC accuracy for fully automated search in 551,383 images (normal, pneumothorax and many other chest diseases).
翻译:快速诊断和治疗肺炎球菌(一个崩溃或下降的肺部)对于避免死亡至关重要。肺炎球菌通常通过有经验的放射学家的视觉检查在胸前X光线图像中检测出。但是,检测率相当低。因此,非常需要自动检测系统来协助放射学家。尽管在许多应用中深层学习的心脏分解器普遍报告高度精度,但由于缺少大量高品质标签图像以及缺乏解析可能性,它们可能无法在临床实践中发挥作用。或者,在以往案例档案中搜索匹配图像,以找到匹配图像,通常是通过访问明显诊断的病例的元数据,而成为“虚拟网络第二意见 ” 。为了使用图像搜索作为三角/诊断工具,所有胸透视图像都必须首先用识别器(即深处特征)进行标记。然后,由于询问X射线图像的X光分解,最上方的图像中的多数票可以提供更易解析的输出。虽然在临床搜索中可以更可行,但其检测性能成为“虚拟”的第二个结果,通过访问速度为“虚拟网络”550,000 。我们用一个更接近于直径的图像的图像,在真实的图像中进行搜索。我们用来进行搜索,然后用直径搜索。在直径图像中进行搜索,然后用一个更接近一个直径的图像的图像。我们用来进行。