In the following, we will discuss task-specific best practices. Most of these perform best for a particular type of task. Some of them might still be applied to other tasks, but should be validated before. We will discuss the following tasks: classification, sequence labelling, natural language generation (NLG), and -- as a special case of NLG -- neural machine translation.
More so than for sequence tasks, where CNNs have only recently found application due to more efficient convolutional operations, CNNs have been popular for classification tasks in NLP. The following best practices relate to CNNs and capture some of their optimal hyperparameter choices.
CNN filters Combining filter sizes near the optimal filter size, e.g. (3,4,5) performs best (Kim, 2014; Kim et al., 2016). The optimal number of feature maps is in the range of 50-600 (Zhang & Wallace, 2015) [59].
Aggregation function 1-max-pooling outperforms average-pooling and k-max pooling (Zhang & Wallace, 2015).
Sequence labelling is ubiquitous in NLP. While many of the existing best practices are with regard to a particular part of the model architecture, the following guidelines discuss choices for the model's output and prediction stage.
Tagging scheme For some tasks, which can assign labels to segments of texts, different tagging schemes are possible. These are: BIO, which marks the first token in a segment with a B- tag, all remaining tokens in the span with an I-tag, and tokens outside of segments with an O- tag; IOB, which is similar to BIO, but only uses B- if the previous token is of the same class but not part of the segment; and IOBES, which in addition distinguishes between single-token entities (S-) and the last token in a segment (E-). Using IOBES and BIO yield similar performance (Lample et al., 2017)
CRF output layer If there are any dependencies between outputs, such as in named entity recognition the final softmax layer can be replaced with a linear-chain conditional random field (CRF). This has been shown to yield consistent improvements for tasks that require the modelling of constraints (Huang et al., 2015; Max & Hovy, 2016; Lample et al., 2016) [60, 61, 62].
Constrained decoding Rather than using a CRF output layer, constrained decoding can be used as an alternative approach to reject erroneous sequences, i.e. such that do not produce valid BIO transitions (He et al., 2017). Constrained decoding has the advantage that arbitrary constraints can be enforced this way, e.g. task-specific or syntactic constraints.
Most of the existing best practices can be applied to natural language generation (NLG). In fact, many of the tips presented so far stem from advances in language modelling, the most prototypical NLP task.
Modelling coverage Repetition is a big problem in many NLG tasks as current models do not have a good way of remembering what outputs they already produced. Modelling coverage explicitly in the model is a good way of addressing this issue. A checklist can be used if it is known in advances, which entities should be mentioned in the output, e.g. ingredients in recipes (Kiddon et al., 2016) [63]. If attention is used, we can keep track of a coverage vector ci, which is the sum of attention distributions at over previous time steps (Tu et al., 2016; See et al., 2017) [64, 65]:
This vector captures how much attention we have paid to all words in the source. We can now condition additive attention additionally on this coverage vector in order to encourage our model not to attend to the same words repeatedly:
In addition, we can add an auxiliary loss that captures the task-specific attention behaviour that we would like to elicit: For NMT, we would like to have a roughly one-to-one alignment; we thus penalize the model if the final coverage vector is more or less than one at every index (Tu et al., 2016). For summarization, we only want to penalize the model if it repeatedly attends to the same location (See et al., 2017).
While neural machine translation (NMT) is an instance of NLG, NMT receives so much attention that many methods have been developed specifically for the task. Similarly, many best practices or hyperparameter choices apply exclusively to it.
Embedding dimensionality 2048-dimensional embeddings yield the best performance, but only do so by a small margin. Even 128-dimensional embeddings perform surprisingly well and converge almost twice as quickly (Britz et al., 2017).
Encoder and decoder depth The encoder does not need to be deeper than 2−4 layers. Deeper models outperform shallower ones, but more than 4 layers is not necessary for the decoder (Britz et al., 2017).
Directionality Bidirectional encoders outperform unidirectional ones by a small margin. Sutskever et al., (2014) [67] proposed to reverse the source sequence to reduce the number of long-term dependencies. Reversing the source sequence in unidirectional encoders outperforms its non-reversed counter-part (Britz et al., 2017).
Beam search strategy Medium beam sizes around 10 with length normalization penalty of 1.0 (Wu et al., 2016) yield the best performance (Britz et al., 2017).
Sub-word translation Senrich et al. (2016) [66] proposed to split words into sub-words based on a byte-pair encoding (BPE). BPE iteratively merges frequent symbol pairs, which eventually results in frequent character n-grams being merged into a single symbol, thereby effectively eliminating out-of-vocabulary-words. While it was originally meant to handle rare words, a model with sub-word units outperforms full-word systems across the board, with 32,000 being an effective vocabulary size for sub-word units (Denkowski & Neubig, 2017).
I hope this post was helpful in kick-starting your learning of a new NLP task. Even if you have already been familiar with most of these, I hope that you still learnt something new or refreshed your knowledge of useful tips.
I am sure that I have forgotten many best practices that deserve to be on this list. Similarly, there are many tasks such as parsing, information extraction, etc., which I do not know enough about to give recommendations. If you have a best practice that should be on this list, do let me know in the comments below. Please provide at least one reference and your handle for attribution. If this gets very collaborative, I might open a GitHub repository rather than collecting feedback here (I won't be able to accept PRs submitted directly to the generated HTML source of this article).
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Credit for the cover image goes to Bahdanau et al. (2015).