We give the explicit equations for a P^3 x P^3 embedding of the Jacobian of a curve of genus 2, which gives a natural analog for abelian surfaces of the Edwards curve model of elliptic curves. This gives a much more succinct description of the Jacobian variety than the standard version in P^{15}. We also give a condition under which, as for the Edwards curve, the abelian surfaces have a universal group law, with no exceptions.
翻译:我们给出了嵌入Jacobian2 曲线的P3 x P3的直方方程式,该方程式为Edwards 椭圆曲线模型的亚伯伦表面提供了自然的比喻。这比PQQ15的标准版本更简明地描述了Jacobian品种。我们给出了一个条件,即与Edwards曲线一样,亚伯伦表面无例外地具有普遍的集体法。