Modeling and estimating mixed memberships for un-directed un-weighted networks in which nodes can belong to multiple communities has been well studied in recent years. However, for a more general case, the bipartite weighted networks in which nodes can belong to multiple communities, row nodes can be different from column nodes, and all elements of adjacency matrices can be any finite real values, to our knowledge, there is no model for such bipartite weighted networks. To close this gap, this paper introduces a novel model, the Bipartite Mixed Membership Distribution-Free (BiMMDF) model. As a special case, bipartite signed networks with mixed memberships can also be generated from BiMMDF. Our model enjoys its advantage by allowing all elements of an adjacency matrix to be generated from any distribution as long as the expectation adjacency matrix has a block structure related to node memberships under BiMMDF. The proposed model can be viewed as an extension of many previous models, including the popular mixed membership stochastic blcokmodels. An efficient algorithm with a theoretical guarantee of consistent estimation is applied to fit BiMMDF. In particular, for a standard bipartite weighted network with two row (and column) communities, to make the algorithm's error rates small with high probability, separation conditions are obtained when adjacency matrices are generated from different distributions under BiMMDF. The behavior differences of different distributions on separation conditions are verified by extensive synthetic bipartite weighted networks generated under BiMMDF. Experiments on real-world directed weighted networks illustrate the advantage of the algorithm in studying highly mixed nodes and asymmetry between row and column communities.
翻译:建模和估算非定向非加权网络的混合成员构成,这种网络可以将节点归属于多个社区。不过,近年来,已经很好地研究了,但是,就更一般的情况而言,双边加权网络可以将节点归属于多个社区,行节点可以与列节点不同,而相邻矩阵的所有元素可以是任何有限的实际值,据我们所知,这种双边加权网络没有模式。为了缩小这一差距,本文件引入了一个新颖的模式,即广泛混合成员分配-无多个社区(BIMDF)模式。作为一个特殊的例子,双边签署的混合成员混合网络也可以从BIMDF中生成。我们的模式享有优势,允许从任何分布中生成相近矩阵的所有元素,只要预期相近矩阵中有一个与BIMDF下加入节点相关的块结构。 拟议的模型可以被视为许多以往模式的延伸,包括广受欢迎的混合成员间分配(BIMDF) 模式。 双边网络(BIMDF) 和双行双行双级的市间正级关系(BIMMDF) 比例分配中,在双行之间,对双行的正级的汇率的汇率计算中,对双行的汇率计算是符合双行的汇率计算结果流的汇率流流流流流流流流流流流流流流流流流流流流流流流流流流流流流值。