This paper presents a novel RL algorithm, S-REINFORCE, which is designed to generate interpretable policies for dynamic decision-making tasks. The proposed algorithm leverages two types of function approximators, namely Neural Network (NN) and Symbolic Regressor (SR), to produce numerical and symbolic policies, respectively. The NN component learns to generate a numerical probability distribution over the possible actions using a policy gradient, while the SR component captures the functional form that relates the associated states with the action probabilities. The SR-generated policy expressions are then utilized through importance sampling to improve the rewards received during the learning process. We have tested the proposed S-REINFORCE algorithm on various dynamic decision-making problems with low and high dimensional action spaces, and the results demonstrate its effectiveness and impact in achieving interpretable solutions. By leveraging the strengths of both NN and SR, S-REINFORCE produces policies that are not only well-performing but also easy to interpret, making it an ideal choice for real-world applications where transparency and causality are crucial.