The noise in daily infection counts of an epidemic should be super-Poissonian due to intrinsic epidemiological and administrative clustering. Here, we use this clustering to classify the official national SARS-CoV-2 daily infection counts and check for infection counts that are unusually anti-clustered. We adopt a one-parameter model of $\phi'_i$ infections per cluster, dividing any daily count $n_i$ into $n_i/\phi'_i$ 'clusters', for 'country' $i$. We assume that $n_i/\phi'_i$ on a given day $j$ is drawn from a Poisson distribution whose mean is robustly estimated from the four neighbouring days, and calculate the inferred Poisson probability $P'_{ij}$ of the observation. The $P'_{ij}$ values should be uniformly distributed. We find the value $\phi_i$ that minimises the Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance from a uniform distribution. We investigate the $(\phi_i, N_i)$ distribution, for total infection count $N_i$. We find that most of the daily infection count sequences are inconsistent with a Poissonian model. Most are found to be consistent with the $\phi_i$ model, the 28-, 14- and 7-day least noisy sequences for several countries are best modelled as sub-Poissonian, suggesting a distinct epidemiological family. The 28-day least noisy sequence of DZ (Algeria) has a preferred model that is strongly sub-Poissonian, with $\phi_i^{28} < 0.1$. TJ, TR, RU, BY, AL, AE, and NI have preferred models that are also sub-Poissonian, with $\phi_i^{28} < 0.5$. A statistically significant ($P^{\tau} < 0.05$) correlation was found between the lack of media freedom in a country, as represented by a high Reporters sans frontieres Press Freedom Index (PFI$^{2020}$), and the lack of statistical noise in the country's daily counts. The $\phi_i$ model appears to be an effective detector of suspiciously low statistical noise in the national SARS-CoV-2 daily infection counts.
翻译:流行性每日感染量的噪音应该是20美元超多的Poisson, 原因是内在的流行病学和行政类集。 在这里, 我们使用这个群集来对官方的国家 SARS- CoV-2 每日感染量进行分类, 并检查异常反群集的感染量。 我们采用每组的美元感染量的一参数模型, 将任何每日数美元分成 $_ i/\phi'_ i'groups, 用于“ 国家” 。 我们假设, 某天, 美元/i/ hi' i 美元从Poisson 的分布中抽取 美元, 其平均值是“ SARIS - ” 。 我们发现, 美元 美元- i 将Kolmogorov- Smiroves 的距离从统一发行量降到最低。 我们发现, 美元( i) 美元/i i i) 和 美元 美元 美元 美元 国家 的 美元 局域- dismodeal disal dis disal 的分布, 完全算算 。