This paper considers the problem of the private release of sample means of speed values from traffic datasets. Our key contribution is the development of user-level differentially private algorithms that incorporate carefully chosen parameter values to ensure low estimation errors on real-world datasets, while ensuring privacy. We test our algorithms on ITMS (Intelligent Traffic Management System) data from an Indian city, where the speeds of different buses are drawn in a potentially non-i.i.d. manner from an unknown distribution, and where the number of speed samples contributed by different buses is potentially different. We then apply our algorithms to large synthetic datasets, generated based on the ITMS data. Here, we provide theoretical justification for the observed performance trends, and also provide recommendations for the choices of algorithm subroutines that result in low estimation errors. Finally, we characterize the best performance of pseudo-user creation-based algorithms on worst-case datasets via a minimax approach; this then gives rise to a novel procedure for the creation of pseudo-users, which optimizes the worst-case total estimation error. The algorithms discussed in the paper are readily applicable to general spatio-temporal IoT datasets for releasing a differentially private mean of a desired value.