In data-driven SHM, the signals recorded from systems in operation can be noisy and incomplete. Data corresponding to each of the operational, environmental, and damage states are rarely available a priori; furthermore, labelling to describe the measurements is often unavailable. In consequence, the algorithms used to implement SHM should be robust and adaptive, while accommodating for missing information in the training-data -- such that new information can be included if it becomes available. By reviewing novel techniques for statistical learning (introduced in previous work), it is argued that probabilistic algorithms offer a natural solution to the modelling of SHM data in practice. In three case-studies, probabilistic methods are adapted for applications to SHM signals -- including semi-supervised learning, active learning, and multi-task learning.
翻译:在以数据驱动的南南合作中,运行中的系统记录到的信号可能是吵闹和不完整的,与每个运行、环境和损害状态相对应的数据很少事先提供;此外,描述测量结果的标签往往没有。因此,用于执行南南合作的算法应当有力和适应性强,同时对培训数据中缺失的信息加以调适 -- -- 这样,如果有了新的信息,就可以纳入新的信息。通过审查统计学习的新技术(在以往工作中引入),可以认为概率算法为模拟南南合作数据的实际做法提供了自然的解决办法。在三个案例研究中,概率方法被调整为适用于南南合作信号,包括半监督学习、积极学习和多任务学习。