Given many different items in a product category, each with its own fixed price point, which subset should a retailer offer to its customers? Assortment optimization describes the process of finding a subset that maximizes average revenue, based on a model for how customers choose between items in that product category. In this paper we ask whether offering an assortment is actually optimal, given the emergence of more sophisticated selling practices, such as offering certain items only through lotteries. To formalize this question, we introduce a mechanism design problem where the items have fixed prices and the seller optimizes over (randomized) allocations, given a distribution for how a buyer ranks the items. Under our formulation, deterministic mechanisms correspond to assortments, while randomized mechanisms correspond to lotteries for selling items with fixed prices. We derive a sufficient condition, based purely on the buyer's preference distribution, that guarantees assortments to be optimal within the larger class of randomized mechanisms. Our sufficient condition captures many preference distributions commonly studied in assortment optimization, including Multi-Nomial Logit (MNL), Markov Chain, a mixture of MNL with an Independent Demand model, and simple cases of Nested Logit. When our condition does not hold, we also bound the suboptimality of assortments compared to lotteries. Finally, from our paper emerges two results of independent interest: an example showing that Nested Logit is not captured by Markov Chain choice models, and a tighter Linear Programming relaxation for assortment optimization.
翻译:鉴于产品类别中的许多不同项目,每个产品类别都有自己的固定价格点,每个产品类别都有自己的固定价格点,零售商应该向其客户提供哪个子点; 批量优化描述根据客户在产品类别中选择项目的模式,根据客户在该产品类别中选择项目的模式,找到一个最大限度地增加平均收入的子子集的过程。 在本文中,我们问,提供批量是否实际上最佳,因为出现了更复杂的销售做法,例如只通过彩票提供某些物品。 为了正式解决这个问题, 我们引入了一个机制设计问题, 即这些物品已经固定价格, 销售商优化了( 随机化) 分配, 给买方如何排序的分布。 在我们的配方中, 确定性机制符合各种平均收入, 而随机化机制则符合以固定价格出售项目的彩票。 我们提出一个充分的条件, 纯粹根据买方的优惠分配, 保证某些物品在更大的随机化机制类别中达到最佳要求。 我们的充足条件可以捕捉到许多不同的优惠分配, 通常在标准优化中研究的, 包括多- 诺尔( Monial logit) 、 Markov clastial netliction) 和 roil roil roil rout roil 。