Derivatives of equations of motion describing the rigid body dynamics are becoming increasingly relevant for the robotics community and find many applications in design and control of robotic systems. Controlling robots, and multibody systems comprising elastic components in particular, not only requires smooth trajectories but also the time derivatives of the control forces/torques, hence of the equations of motion (EOM). This paper presents novel nth order time derivatives of the EOM in both closed and recursive forms. While the former provides a direct insight into the structure of these derivatives,the latter leads to their highly efficient implementation for large degree of freedom robotic system.
翻译:描述僵硬机体动态的运动方程式的衍生物对机器人界越来越重要,在机器人系统的设计和控制中发现许多应用。 控制机器人,特别是包含弹性组件的多体系统,不仅需要平稳的轨迹,还需要控制力量/体的时间衍生物,因此也需要运动方程式(EOM)的时间衍生物。本文以封闭和循环两种形式介绍了EOM新型的N顺序时间衍生物。前者直接揭示了这些衍生物的结构,而后者则导致这些衍生物在高度自由机器人系统中得到高效的实施。