Due to the pervasive diffusion of personal mobile and IoT devices, many "smart environments" (e.g., smart cities and smart factories) will be, generators of huge amounts of data. Currently, analysis of this data is typically achieved through centralised cloud-based services. However, according to many studies, this approach may present significant issues from the standpoint of data ownership, as well as wireless network capacity. In this paper, we exploit the fog computing paradigm to move computation close to where data is produced. We exploit a well-known distributed machine learning framework (Hypothesis Transfer Learning), and perform data analytics on mobile nodes passing by IoT devices, in addition to fog gateways at the edge of the network infrastructure. We analyse the performance of different configurations of the distributed learning framework, in terms of (i) accuracy obtained in the learning task and (ii) energy spent to send data between the involved nodes. Specifically, we consider reference wireless technologies for communication between the different types of nodes we consider, e.g. LTE, Nb-IoT, 802.15.4, 802.11, etc. Our results show that collecting data through the mobile nodes and executing the distributed analytics using short-range communication technologies, such as 802.15.4 and 802.11, allows to strongly reduce the energy consumption of the system up to $94\%$ with a loss in accuracy w.r.t. a centralised cloud solution up to $2\%$.
翻译:由于个人移动和IoT装置的广泛传播,许多“智能环境”(例如智能城市和智能工厂)将产生大量数据。目前,对这些数据的分析通常是通过中央云层服务实现的。然而,根据许多研究,这种办法从数据所有权和无线网络能力的角度可能提出重大问题。在本文中,我们利用雾计算模式将计算方法推到接近数据产生地点的地方。我们利用一个众所周知的分布式机器学习框架(Hypothesis转移学习),对通过IoT装置的移动节点进行数据分析,除了网络基础设施边缘的雾网关之外,还对通过流动节点传送的数据进行数据分析。我们分析分布式学习框架的不同配置的绩效,从(一) 学习任务的准确性,以及(二) 用于在相关节点之间发送数据的能源。我们考虑将无线技术用于我们所考虑的不同类型的节点之间的通信,例如LTE、Nb-IoT、802.15、802.4、802.11等。我们的成果显示,通过移动2的能源流流流流流流数据,通过80.5-中央收集的80-10的能源,使这种技术得以通过80-10的流流流流流流数据得以进行。