Generalized approximate message passing (GAMP) is a computationally efficient algorithm for estimating an unknown signal \(w_0\in\mathbb{R}^N\) from a random linear measurement \(y= Xw_0 + \epsilon\in\mathbb{R}^M\), where \(X\in\mathbb{R}^{M\times N}\) is a known measurement matrix and \(\epsilon\) is the noise vector. The salient feature of GAMP is that it can provide an unbiased estimator \(\hat{r}^{\rm G}\sim\mathcal{N}(w_0, \hat{s}^2I_N)\), which can be used for various hypothesis-testing methods. In this study, we consider the bootstrap average of an unbiased estimator of GAMP for the elastic net. By numerically analyzing the state evolution of \emph{approximate message passing with resampling}, which has been proposed for computing bootstrap statistics of the elastic net estimator, we investigate when the bootstrap averaging reduces the variance of the unbiased estimator and the effect of optimizing the size of each bootstrap sample and hyperparameter of the elastic net regularization in the asymptotic setting \(M, N\to\infty, M/N\to\alpha\in(0,\infty)\). The results indicate that bootstrap averaging effectively reduces the variance of the unbiased estimator when the actual data generation process is inconsistent with the sparsity assumption of the regularization and the sample size is small. Furthermore, we find that when \(w_0\) is less sparse, and the data size is small, the system undergoes a phase transition. The phase transition indicates the existence of the region where the ensemble average of unbiased estimators of GAMP for the elastic net norm minimization problem yields the unbiased estimator with the minimum variance.
翻译:普通近似信息传递 (GAMP) 是用于估算一个未知信号的计算效率算法, 用于估算一个来自随机线性测量 \ (y= Xw_ 0 +\ epsilon\ mathb{R ⁇ M\\) 的未知信号\ (w_ 0\ in\ mathb{ (GAMP) 。 这个算法是已知的测量矩阵和\ (\\ epsilon\\ ) 是噪音矢量的矢量矢量矢量。 GAMP 的突出特征是, 它可以提供一个公正的估量 \ (hat{r\ r\\\ rm\ g\ simb} (w_0,\ +\ +\ +\ epsilon\ m) 的度量度度度度量量度, 它可以提供一种不偏直观的量度表示 。 当Servicreal deal deal deal deal deal destrate the restal deal deal development the restal destal demoteal.