We propose $\texttt{SAL}$ ($\texttt{S}$egment $\texttt{A}$nything in $\texttt{L}$idar) method consisting of a text-promptable zero-shot model for segmenting and classifying any object in Lidar, and a pseudo-labeling engine that facilitates model training without manual supervision. While the established paradigm for $\textit{Lidar Panoptic Segmentation}$ (LPS) relies on manual supervision for a handful of object classes defined a priori, we utilize 2D vision foundation models to generate 3D supervision "for free". Our pseudo-labels consist of instance masks and corresponding CLIP tokens, which we lift to Lidar using calibrated multi-modal data. By training our model on these labels, we distill the 2D foundation models into our Lidar $\texttt{SAL}$ model. Even without manual labels, our model achieves $91\%$ in terms of class-agnostic segmentation and $44\%$ in terms of zero-shot LPS of the fully supervised state-of-the-art. Furthermore, we outperform several baselines that do not distill but only lift image features to 3D. More importantly, we demonstrate that $\texttt{SAL}$ supports arbitrary class prompts, can be easily extended to new datasets, and shows significant potential to improve with increasing amounts of self-labeled data.