In decoding linear block codes, it was shown that noticeable reliability gains can be achieved by introducing learnable parameters to the Belief Propagation (BP) decoder. Despite the success of these methods, there are two key open problems. The first is the lack of interpretation of the learned weights, and the other is the lack of analysis for non-AWGN channels. In this work, we aim to bridge this gap by providing insights into the weights learned and their connection to the structure of the underlying code. We show that the weights are heavily influenced by the distribution of short cycles in the code. We next look at the performance of these decoders in non-AWGN channels, both synthetic and over-the-air channels, and study the complexity vs. performance trade-offs, demonstrating that increasing the number of parameters helps significantly in complex channels. Finally, we show that the decoders with learned weights achieve higher reliability than those with weights optimized analytically under the Gaussian approximation.
翻译:在解码线性块代码时,已经显示出通过向置信传播(BP)解码器引入可学习参数可以实现显着的可靠性增益。尽管这些方法的成功,但存在两个关键问题。第一个是缺乏所学权重的解释,另一个是缺乏针对非 AWGN 信道的分析。在这项工作中,我们旨在通过提供对学习权重及其与基础代码结构的联系的见解来弥合这一差距。我们表明,权重受代码中短周期分布的影响很大。接下来,我们研究这些解码器在非 AWGN 信道中的性能,包括合成信道和实际信道,并研究复杂性与性能的权衡,证明增加参数数量在复杂信道中有很大帮助。最后,我们表明,具有学习权重的解码器比通过高斯逼近在解析方面优化的解码器具有更高的可靠性。