Despite their impressive capabilities, large pre-trained language models (LMs) struggle with consistent reasoning; recently, prompting LMs to generate explanations that self-guide the inference has emerged as a promising direction to amend this. However, these approaches are fundamentally bounded by the correctness of explanations, which themselves are often noisy and inconsistent. In this work, we develop Maieutic Prompting, which infers a correct answer to a question even from the noisy and inconsistent generations of LM. Maieutic Prompting induces a tree of explanations abductively (e.g. X is true, because ...) and recursively, then frames the inference as a satisfiability problem over these explanations and their logical relations. We test Maieutic Prompting for true/false QA on three challenging benchmarks that require complex commonsense reasoning. Maieutic Prompting achieves up to 20% better accuracy than state-of-the-art prompting methods, and as a fully unsupervised approach, performs competitively with supervised models. We also show that Maieutic Prompting improves robustness in inference while providing interpretable rationales.
翻译:尽管能力令人印象深刻,但经过预先培训的大型语言模型(LMS)却以一贯的推理进行斗争;最近,LMS促使LM作出解释,说明自我指导的推论已成为修正这一推论的一个大有希望的方向。然而,这些方法基本上受解释的正确性所约束,而解释本身往往吵闹和前后不一致。在这项工作中,我们开发了模拟提示法,这使人对即使是来自吵闹和前后不一的一代LM. 模拟提示法的问题也有一个正确的答案。 模拟提示法诱使一棵解释的树具有诱惑力(例如X是真实的,因为......)和循环性,然后将推断作为这些解释及其逻辑关系的可裁判性问题加以框架。我们测试,在三种具有挑战性的基准上,即需要复杂的常识推理,即真实/虚假的QA,我们测试其真实性/虚假性QA,这三项基准需要复杂的常识推理。 模拟推理推理,其准确性比目前最强的推理法则高20%,作为一种完全没有监督的方法,与受监督的模型进行竞争性的推理。我们还表明,Maeuic推理的推理的推理改进了判断性推理,同时改进了稳性推理。