项目名称: Internet环境中基于语义Web的开放式决策支持系统关键技术研究
项目编号: No.61074134
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2011
项目学科: 金属学与金属工艺
项目作者: 于长锐
作者单位: 上海财经大学
项目金额: 10万元
中文摘要: Internet 环境中开放式决策支持系统研究是当前DSS 研究领域的热点和前沿。本项目以决策支持理论为基础、以语义Web 技术为支撑,对构建新一代开放式决策支持系统的关键技术进行研究。主要研究工作包括:基于领域本体的决策资源语义空间研究,构建了局部决策资源的语义空间,屏蔽决策资源的结构差异性,支持基于语义的数据访问,解决了Internet 环境中决策资源的语义异构性问题;基于多领域本体映射的决策资源知识空间研究,通过领域本体映射,整合多个局部决策资源的语义空间,构建了决策资源全面语义互联的知识空间,解决了异构决策资源之间的互操作性问题。 经过一年努力,很好地完成了课题研究任务,技术水平和成果数量达到预期目标。一年内在国内外共发表论文4篇,其中国际学术会议2篇,国内核心刊物2篇;有2篇论文被EI检索收录;培养博士研究生2名,硕士研究生2名。这些研究工作符合DSS 发展的必然趋势,研究成果将在敏捷供应链与物流管理、电子商务、危机管理与应急决策等领域具有十分重要的应用前景。
中文关键词: 决策支持系统;语义Web;本体;开放式
英文摘要: The research on the Internet Open Decision Support System (IODSS) is the central issue and cutting-edge of the DSS field. In this project, DSS theories and the semantic Web technologies are integrated to study the key technologies applied in the new generation of IODSS.The main work includes: the study on the semantic space of decision resources based on domain ontology. In the process of the project research, we have bulit the semantic space of the local decision resource to eliminate the structure difference of decision resource and support the data access based on semantic so as to solve the probelm of semantic heterogeneity of Internet decision information resource. The study on knowledge space of decision resources based on the projection of multi-domain ontologies. Mapping the domain ontology, we have integrated the semantic space of multi local decision resources,and construct the knowledge space of decision resources based on the systematical semantic connecting to solve the problem of interoperability between the heterogeneity of Internet decision information resource. After one year's hard work, the research goals are well accomplished. The technological level and achievement number have reached the initial goals. In the past one year, 4 academic papers are issued domestically or overseas, among which 2 are issued by domestical journals, and 2 are published in international conferences. Moreover, 2 papers out of the 4 are indexed by EI. This project provided research opportunities for two Ph.D. candidates and two postgraduates. The research achievement of this project has an important application prospect as it is a bright future in many fields, such as agile supply chain and logistics management, E-commerce, crisis control and emergerncy decision-making.
英文关键词: DSS; Semantic Web; Ontology; Open