This paper proposes a joint detection and estimation (JDE) scheme based on mutual information for the radar work, whose goal is to choose the true one between target existent and target absence, and to estimate the unknown distance parameter when the target is existent. Inspired by the thoughts of Shannon information theory, the JDE system model is established in the presence of complex white Gaussian noise. We make several main contributions: (1) the equivalent JDE channel and the posterior probability density function are derived based on the priori statistical characteristic of the noise, target scattering and joint target parameter; (2) the performance of the JDE system is measured by the joint entropy deviation and the joint information that is defined as the mutual information between received signal and the joint target parameter; (3) the sampling a posterior probability and cascaded JDEers are proposed, and their performance is measured by the empirical joint entropy deviation the empirical joint information; (4) the joint theorem is proved that the joint information is the available limit of the overall performance, that is, the joint information is available, and the empirical joint information of any JDEer is no greater than the joint information; (5) the cascaded theorem is proved that the sum of empirical detection information and empirical estimation information can approximate the joint information, i.e., the performance limit of cascaded JDEer is available. Simulation results verify the correctness of the joint and the cascaded theorems, and show that the performance of the sampling a posterior probability JDEer is asymptotically optimal. Moreover, the performance of cascaded JDEer can approximate the system performance of JDE system.
翻译:本文根据雷达工作的相互信息提出联合探测和估计(JDE)办法,目的是在目标存在和目标不存在之间选择真正的目标,并在目标存在时估计未知的距离参数。在香农信息理论的启发下,在复杂的白高斯噪音面前建立了JDE系统模型。我们做出了几项主要贡献:(1) 等效的JDE频道和后方概率函数是根据噪音、目标分布和联合目标参数的先验统计特征得出的;(2) JDE系统的性能通过联合英特制偏差和联合信息测量,该联合信息被定义为所收到信号和联合目标参数之间的相互信息;(3) 试样的事后概率和连锁JDE系统模型模型模型,其性能通过实验性联合模型偏离实验性联合信息;(4) 联合理论证明,联合信息是总体性能的可限值,即,联合信息可用,任何JDEer的性能和联合信息被定义为所接收的JDEer的相互信息的相互信息;(5) 联合性能测试和联合性能显示的准确性能;(5) 联合性能显示的准确性能;以及联合性能显示的准确性能。