We propose a headed span-based method for projective dependency parsing. In a projective tree, the subtree rooted at each word occurs in a contiguous sequence (i.e., span) in the surface order, we call the span-headword pair \textit{headed span}. In this view, a projective tree can be regarded as a collection of headed spans. It is similar to the case in constituency parsing since a constituency tree can be regarded as a collection of constituent spans. Span-based methods decompose the score of a constituency tree sorely into the score of constituent spans and use the CYK algorithm for global training and exact inference, obtaining state-of-the-art results in constituency parsing. Inspired by them, we decompose the score of a dependency tree into the score of headed spans. We use neural networks to score headed spans and design a novel $O(n^3)$ dynamic programming algorithm to enable global training and exact inference. We evaluate our method on PTB, CTB, and UD, achieving state-of-the-art or comparable results.
翻译:我们为预测依赖度的剖析建议了一种划线法。在投影树中,根植于每个字的亚树在地表顺序上以连续顺序(即横线)发生,我们称其为 " 划线对齐 " ;在这种观点中,投影树可被视为划线对齐。它与选区划分的情况相似,因为选区树可被视为构成宽幅的集合。以斜线为基础的方法将选区树的分数严重地分解到构成宽度的分数中,并使用CYK算法进行全球培训和精确推断,在选区评析中取得最新结果。受它们启发,我们将依赖树的分数分划入头线的分数。我们使用神经网络来评分头线,并设计出一个新的$O(n3)美元动态编程算法,以便能够进行全球培训和精确推算。我们评估了PTB、CTB和UD的方法, 并获得了最新或可比的结果。