We show that the limiting variance of a sequence of estimators for a structured covariance matrix has a general form that appears as the variance of a scaled projection of a random matrix that is of radial type and a similar result is obtained for the corresponding sequence of estimators for the vector of variance components. These results are illustrated by the limiting behavior of estimators for a linear covariance structure in a variety of multivariate statistical models. We also derive a characterization for the influence function of corresponding functionals. Furthermore, we derive the limiting distribution and influence function of scale invariant mappings of such estimators and their corresponding functionals. As a consequence, the asymptotic relative efficiency of different estimators for the shape component of a structured covariance matrix can be compared by means of a single scalar and the gross error sensitivity of the corresponding influence functions can be compared by means of a single index. Similar results are obtained for estimators of the normalized vector of variance components. We apply our results to investigate how the efficiency, gross error sensitivity, and breakdown point of S-estimators for the normalized variance components are affected simultaneously by varying their cutoff value.