Seismicity induced by human activities poses a significant threat to public safety, emphasizing the need for accurate and timely earthquake hypocenter localization. In this study, we introduce X-DeepONet, a novel variant of deep operator networks (DeepONets), for learning moving-solution operators of parametric partial differential equations (PDEs), with application to real-time earthquake localization. Leveraging the power of neural operators, X-DeepONet learns to estimate traveltime fields associated with earthquake sources by incorporating information from seismic arrival times and velocity models. Similar to the DeepONet, X-DeepONet includes a trunk net and a branch net. Additionally, we introduce a root network that not only takes the standard DeepONet's multiplication operator as input, it also takes addition and subtraction operators. We show that for problems with moving fields, the standard multiplication operation of DeepONet is insufficient to capture field relocation, while addition and subtraction operators along with the eXtended root significantly improve its accuracy both under data-driven (supervised) and physics-informed (unsupervised) training. We demonstrate the effectiveness of X-DeepONet through various experiments, including scenarios with variable velocity models and arrival times. The results show remarkable accuracy in earthquake localization, even for heterogeneous and complex velocity models. The proposed framework also exhibits excellent generalization capabilities and robustness against noisy arrival times. The method provides a computationally efficient approach for quantifying uncertainty in hypocenter locations resulting from traveltime pick errors and velocity model variations. Our results underscore X-DeepONet's potential to improve seismic monitoring systems, aiding the development of early warning systems for seismic hazard mitigation.