Accelerated ripening through the exposure of fruits to controlled environmental conditions and gases is nowadays one of the most assessed food technologies, especially for climacteric and exotic products. However, a fine granularity control of the process and consequently of the quality of the goods is still missing, so the management of the ripening rooms is mainly based on qualitative estimations only. Following the modern paradigms of Industry 4.0, this contribution proposes a non-destructive RFID-based system for the automatic evaluation of the live ripening of avocados. The system, coupled with a properly trained automatic classification algorithm based on Support Vector Machines (SVMs), can discriminate the stage of ripening with an accuracy greater than 85%.
翻译:通过水果接触受控制的环境条件和气体而加速成熟的成熟期是当今最经评估的食品技术之一,特别是对于气候和外来产品而言,然而,仍然缺乏对工艺和因此对货物质量的细微颗粒控制,因此成熟室的管理主要以质量估计为基础。按照现代工业模式4.0,这一贡献提出了一种基于无破坏性RFID的自动评价鳄梨实熟化的系统。 该系统加上基于支持矢量机(SVMs)的经过适当培训的自动分类算法(SVMs),可以对成熟阶段的精确度超过85%进行歧视。