End-to-end encryption (E2EE) by messaging platforms enable people to securely and privately communicate with one another. Its widespread adoption however raised concerns that illegal content might now be shared undetected. Following the global pushback against key escrow systems, client-side scanning based on perceptual hashing has been recently proposed by governments and researchers to detect illegal content in E2EE communications. We here propose the first framework to evaluate the robustness of perceptual hashing-based client-side scanning to detection avoidance attacks and show current systems to not be robust. More specifically, we propose three adversarial attacks -- a general black-box attack and two white-box attacks for discrete cosine-based-based algorithms -- against perceptual hashing algorithms. In a large-scale evaluation, we show perceptual hashing-based client-side scanning mechanisms to be highly vulnerable to detection avoidance attacks in a black-box setting, with more than 99.9% of images successfully attacked while preserving the content of the image. We furthermore show our attack to generate diverse perturbations, strongly suggesting that straightforward mitigation strategies would be ineffective. Finally, we show that the larger thresholds necessary to make the attack harder would probably require more than one billion images to be flagged and decrypted daily, raising strong privacy concerns.Taken together, our results shed serious doubts on the robustness of perceptual hashing-based client-side scanning mechanisms currently proposed by governments, organizations, and researchers around the world.
翻译:通过电文平台进行端对端加密(E2EE),通过信息平台使人们能够安全地和私下地相互沟通。但是,其广泛采用使人们担心非法内容现在可能被共享而不被发现。在全球对主要代管系统进行回击后,各国政府和研究人员最近提议对客户端进行基于感知性散射的扫描,以探测E2E通信中的非法内容。我们在此提议第一个框架,用以评价以感知性散射为基础的客户端扫描的稳健性,以发现避免袭击,并显示当前的系统不健全。更具体地说,我们提议进行三次对抗性攻击 -- -- 一次普遍的黑箱攻击和两次针对离散共线基于白箱的算法的白箱攻击 -- -- 以对抗感知性的散射算法。在一次大规模评价中,我们展示了以感知性散射法为基础的客户端扫描机制,以便极易在黑箱环境中发现避免袭击,同时提出超过99.9%的图像成功被攻击,同时保存图像的内容。我们还提议进行更强烈的攻击,以产生更强烈的反向性的反向,强烈地表明直接的减轻风险的客户端战略,可能使每10年的客户级机制更低的图像更难。最后显示,我们可能使全世界更难于更深地标定的图像更难。我们更难。我们表示更甚于更甚于更甚于更甚于更难于更甚于更深地要求。我们更深地标定的测。我们表示更甚于更甚于更深地标。