In this paper a new hybrid semi-implicit finite volume / finite element (FV/FE) scheme is presented for the numerical solution of the compressible Euler and Navier-Stokes equations at all Mach numbers on unstructured staggered meshes in two and three space dimensions. The chosen grid arrangement consists of a primal simplex mesh composed of triangles or tetrahedra, and an edge-based / face-based staggered dual mesh. The governing equations are discretized in conservation form. The nonlinear convective terms of the equations, as well as the viscous stress tensor and the heat flux, are discretized on the dual mesh at the aid of an explicit local ADER finite volume scheme, while the implicit pressure terms are discretized at the aid of a continuous $\mathbb{P}^{1}$ finite element method on the nodes of the primal mesh. In the zero Mach number limit, the new scheme automatically reduces to the hybrid FV/FE approach forwarded in \cite{BFTVC17} for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. As such, the method is asymptotically consistent with the incompressible limit of the governing equations and can therefore be applied to flows at all Mach numbers. Due to the chosen semi-implicit discretization, the CFL restriction on the time step is only based on the magnitude of the flow velocity and not on the sound speed, hence the method is computationally efficient at low Mach numbers. In the chosen discretization, the only unknown is the scalar pressure field at the new time step. Furthermore, the resulting pressure system is symmetric and positive definite and can therefore be very efficiently solved with a matrix-free conjugate gradient method. In order to assess the capabilities of the new scheme, we show computational results for a large set of benchmark problems that range from the quasi incompressible low Mach number regime to compressible flows with shock waves.
翻译:在本文中, 提出了一个新的半隐性半隐含体积/ 硬度元素( FV/ FE) 组合, 用于在两个和三个空间维度的无结构交错间距上的所有马赫数字的压缩 Euler 和 Navier- Stokes 等式数字解析。 选择的网格安排包括由三角形或四面体组成的原始简单线网格, 以及基于边缘的/ 面基的双向交错的双向网格。 管理方程式以保存形式分解。 方程式的非线性调值, 以及超直线性 Euler 和 Navier- Stokes 等值方程式的调解解公式。 因此, 在直线的 ADER 定音量制中, 直线性平流的直线性平流和直径直流是直径直流, 直径直至直径的直径直径直径直径直至直径直径直直直至直径直径直径直径直径直径直径直至直直至直直直直径直径直直直直直至直至直直直直至直径直径直至直至直直径直径直直至直至直直直直直至直至直至直至直直直直直直直直直直直至直至直至直至直至直至直直直直直直直至直直直直至直至直至直至直至直至直直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直至直