Fairness is commonly seen as a property of the global outcome of a system and assumes centralisation and complete knowledge. However, in real decentralised applications, agents only have partial observation capabilities. Under limited information, agents rely on communication to divulge some of their private (and unobservable) information to others. When an agent deliberates to resolve conflicts, limited knowledge may cause its perspective of a correct outcome to differ from the actual outcome of the conflict resolution. This is subjective unfairness. To enable decentralised, fairness-aware conflict resolution under privacy constraints, we have two contributions: (1) a novel interaction approach and (2) a formalism of the relationship between privacy and fairness. Our proposed interaction approach is an architecture for privacy-aware explainable conflict resolution where agents engage in a dialogue of hypotheses and facts. To measure the privacy-fairness relationship, we define subjective and objective fairness on both the local and global scope and formalise the impact of partial observability due to privacy in these different notions of fairness. We first study our proposed architecture and the privacy-fairness relationship in the abstract, testing different argumentation strategies on a large number of randomised cultures. We empirically demonstrate the trade-off between privacy, objective fairness, and subjective fairness and show that better strategies can mitigate the effects of privacy in distributed systems. In addition to this analysis across a broad set of randomised abstract cultures, we analyse a case study for a specific scenario: we instantiate our architecture in a multi-agent simulation of prioritised rule-aware collision avoidance with limited information disclosure.
翻译:通常认为,公平是系统全球结果的一种属性,并假定是集中和完全的知识;然而,在真正的分散化应用中,代理商只具备部分观察能力;在有限的信息下,代理商依靠通信向他人透露其一些私(和不观察)信息;当代理商有意解决冲突时,有限的知识可能导致其正确结果的视角不同于解决冲突的实际结果;这是主观的不公平;为了能够在隐私限制下分散、公平地解决冲突,我们有两个贡献:(1) 新的互动方法和(2) 隐私和公平之间关系的形式化;在有限的信息条件下,我们提议的代理商依靠通信向他人透露其某些私(和不可观察)信息;当代理商参与虚伪和事实的对话时,有限的沟通依赖于隐私意识可解释的冲突解决办法的架构;为衡量隐私与公平的关系,我们界定对当地和全球范围的主观和客观的公平性,并正式确定由于隐私受到部分约束而造成的影响;我们首先研究我们提议的架构和隐私与隐私和公平性关系的关系,首先研究抽象的、测试关于隐私和公平性关系的各种争论战略的正规性;我们从客观的角度分析、从客观的角度分析、从头分析、从客观的角度分析、从一个分析、从一个比较的系统分析、从客观的角度分析。