The thermal radiative transfer (TRT) equations form a system that describes the propagation and collisional interactions of photons. Computing accurate and efficient numerical solutions to TRT is challenging for several reasons, the first of which is that TRT is defined on a high-dimensional phase space. In order to reduce the dimensionality, classical approaches such as the P$_N$ (spherical harmonics) or the S$_N$ (discrete ordinates) ansatz are often used in the literature. In this work, we introduce a novel approach: the hybrid discrete (H$^T_N$) approximation. This approach acquires desirable properties of both P$_N$ and S$_N$, and indeed reduces to each of these approximations in various limits. We prove that H$^T_N$ results in a system of hyperbolic equations. Another challenge in solving the TRT system is the inherent stiffness due to the large timescale separation between propagation and collisions. This can be partially overcome via implicit time integration, although fully implicit methods may become expensive due to the strong nonlinearity and system size. On the other hand, explicit time-stepping schemes that are not also asymptotic-preserving in the highly collisional limit require resolving the mean-free path between collisions. We develop a method that is based on a discontinuous Galerkin scheme in space, coupled with a semi-implicit scheme in time. In particular, we make use of an explicit Runge-Kutta scheme for the streaming term and an implicit Euler scheme for the material coupling term. Furthermore, in order to solve the material energy equation implicitly after each step, we linearize the temperature term; this avoids the need for an iterative procedure. In order to reduce unphysical oscillation, we apply a slope limiter after each time step. Finally, we conduct several numerical experiments to verify the accuracy, efficiency, and robustness of the method.
翻译:热辐射传输( TRT) 方程式形成一个系统, 描述光子的传播和碰撞互动。 在这项工作中, 我们引入了一种新颖的方法: 混合离散( H$T_ N$) 的( H$_ N$), 计算出对 TRT 的准确而高效的数字解决方案具有挑战性, 有几个原因, 其中第一个原因是 TRT 在一个高维阶段空间空间空间空间空间空间空间空间空间空间空间空间空间空间空间空间空间空间空间空间空间空间空间空间空间空间空间空间空间空间空间空间空间空间系统。 我们证明H$N$( 球声调) 或 S$_ N$( 模糊的坐标) 等经典方法可以降低维度。 解决 TRT 系统的另一个挑战在于, 传播和碰撞之间时间尺度的大规模分离导致的内在僵硬性。 在隐含时间周期整合中, 完全隐含的方法可能变得昂贵, 由于强烈的不直线性直径直径直的直径直的直径方法, 使每个直径直径的直径直径直径直路路的直路的直路的直径直路路路路路路路的直路规则系的直路路路路规则系, 也要求另一个的电。