项目名称: 语音评价中的韵律建模和评价方法研究
项目编号: No.61305003
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 李雅
作者单位: 中国科学院自动化研究所
项目金额: 26万元
中文摘要: 由于目前语音评价中缺乏有效的韵律模型以及韵律评价方法,现有语音评价多局限于发音质量、词汇以及流利度等方面的评估,对语音中的韵律评估还不够完善,无法真实反映学习者的语言能力。针对该问题,本项目将从听觉感知角度入手,建立适用于语音评价的大规模韵律标注语料库,结合韵律在语言交流中的重要作用,深入探索语音评价中的韵律建模和评价方法。重点从文本特征和声学特征层面探讨韵律的稳定与非稳定性特征;建立基于韵律组块的韵律短语预测模型;构建基于层级重音模型的重音检测和评价方法;挖掘语调稳定模式并提出基于相似性的语调评价方法。在以上研究基础上提出融合韵律短语、重音和语调的非线性韵律整体评价算法。本项目将有助于加深人们对韵律加工过程的理解,对促进言语理解和认知的研究具有重要科学意义,也能为计算机辅助语言学习系统、口语评测、语音合成等研究提供必要的理论和实践基础。
中文关键词: 韵律建模;韵律评价;语音评价;重音;语调
英文摘要: Despite of the great achievement in speech assessment in recent years, the evaluation objects are still limited to the pronunciation quality, vocabulary, fluency of speech, etc., and the assessment of speech prosody remains inadequate and incomplete due to the lack of effective prosody model and prosody assessment methods. However, one's language ability cannot be fully reflected without the prosody manipulation skill. As a matter of fact, prosody is more important in language communication. Based on a large-scale corpus, this project will investigate the prosody modeling and evaluation methods from aspects of auditory perception and its role in language communication. The major work of this project are exploring the stable and non-stable textual and acoustical features of Mandarin prosody; building a prosody-chunk based prosody phrase prediction model; constructing a hierarchical Mandarin stress model based stress detection and evaluation model and discovering the intonation pattern then proposing a similarity based intonation assessment method. With these achievements, this project will further propose an overall assessment method by integrating the prosodic phrase, stress and intonation models. This research could acquire a better understanding of prosody generation in human speech, which is of great scientif
英文关键词: Prosody modeling;prosody evaluation;speech assessment;stress;intonation