项目名称: 智能假肢脑控机理及其人机协同方法研究
项目编号: No.51275388
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 张小栋
作者单位: 西安交通大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 智能假肢对于保障上肢残疾患者的劳动权益和生活质量有重要作用,十二五期间社会保障事业将重点推进职业康复,以保证经济发展的人才支持和公平稳定。针对传统上肢假肢存在控制信息源不足、人-假肢之间人机协同不良问题,本课题拟采用脑电信号做为假肢驱动控制信息源,提出研究智能假肢的脑控机理和人机协同方法。其内容包括:通过研究人手动作与感知过程机理,构建假肢脑控模型;面向创新设计,研究智能假肢的多感知融合自控方法,以及相应可穿戴脑电检测识别与驱动控制技术;为提高识别精度,研究基于数学形态学和相关分析的脑电信号自适应特征提取方法,以及基于免疫学习的脑电分类防退化训练方法;通过研究人的意图决策、假肢自主控制与安全应急机制等人机协同理论方法,建立智能假肢的柔性操控人机协同系统。课题的研究将为智能假肢的创新设计与人机协同操控提供理论方法和技术支撑,推动脑机接口技术的发展与应用,实现人工假肢的智能化和拟人化控制。
中文关键词: 脑控假肢;脑机接口;人机协调;多感知融合;
英文摘要: Intelligent prosthesis plays an important role for the supper limb disabled patients guaranteeing their labor rights and life quality, and in the twelfth five-year plans the social security will propel the vocational rehabilitation, to ensure the talent support and fair stability of the economy development. Traditional upper limb prosthesis has the limitations on the control source and the human-machine coordinated between prosthesis and the patients. So,the project will focus on investigating the brain driving theory and human-machine co-operating approach of intelligent prosthesis using EEG(electroencephalo-graph) as a control source. Through the mechanism study of hand movement and perception process, a system model of brain driving prosthesis will be set up.For innovative design of intelligent prosthesis, the multi-preception based self-control algorithm of the intelligent prosthesis will be proposed while the wearable system for the detection and recognition of EEG signal will be developed. For high recognition accuracy,the mathematical morphology and related analysis is used to study EEG signal adaptive feature extraction, and the immune learning used for the degradation training of EEG classification. Through the study of decision-making, prosthesis autonomous control and safety emergency mechanism of the
英文关键词: Brain control prosthesis;Brain-computer interface;Human-machine coordination;Multi - sensing fusion;