项目名称: 供应商入侵下考虑成员风险规避行为的供应链决策与协调研究
项目编号: No.71472133
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 李波
作者单位: 天津大学
项目金额: 59万元
中文摘要: 本项目拟对供应商入侵下考虑成员风险规避行为影响的供应链决策与协调问题进行研究。项目以制造商开设电子渠道在内的多渠道问题为背景,针对价格依赖随机需求和用户渠道选择偏好影响随机需求两种表示模式,把成员风险规避行为测量方法同经济效用最大化目标有机结合,构建竞争与合作博弈模型。基于信息完全对称与需求信息不对称两种情景,探索包括渠道定价、库存分配策略等讨价还价能力下和考虑用户渠道转移行为、零售商增设体验服务等不同决策环境下的博弈均衡策略与契约协调机制。通过计算机仿真数值实验与行为运作实验对理论成果进行分析验证,并进行关键参数的灵敏度分析,探究其中蕴含的管理解释。 本项目综合应用供应链管理理论、风险行为理论、博弈论、信息经济学等知识,属于多学科交叉问题。该项目研究不仅进一步从行为决策的视角拓展了供应链的理论与方法,还从供应商入侵下的供应链多渠道管理与合作伙伴关系建立视角对中国企业提供了重要的指导意义。
中文关键词: 供应链管理;供应商入侵;风险规避行为;电子渠道与非电子渠道;博弈论
英文摘要: The project studies the decision and coordination problems of supply chain considering members' risk-averse behavior under supplier encroachment. We establish the background of multi-channel problems including the electronic channel opened by suppliers, and analyze the two representation forms of price-dependent on random demand and the stochastic demand affected by the consumers' preference of selecting the channels.Then the measure criterion of members' risk-averse behavior will be merged into the economic utility maximization and and the competition and cooperation game models will be built. Considering two scenarios of information symmetry and demand information asymmetry, we explore the game equilibrium strategy and the coordination mechanism under the different bargaining powers and the different decisions environment, including pricing, inventory rationing policies and the consumers' behavior of channels switch, the immediate consumer supports etc.. The analysis and the verifications of theory will be performed by the numerical simulation experiments and the behavioral operation experiments,and the sensitivity of the important parameters will be discussed. We will find out the management implications. The project applies the knowledge of supply chain management, risk behavior theory, game theory and information economics synthetically,it belongs to a multidisciplinary scope. The research of the project not only further extends the theory and the methods of supply chain management from the view of behavior decision, but also provides the real guiding significance to Chinese enterprises from the view of multi-channel operation decisions and partnership.
英文关键词: Supply Chain Management;Supplier Encroachment;Risk-averse Behavior;Electronic Channel and Non-electronic Channel;Game Theory