项目名称: 细节高度复杂模型的内容敏感建模技术研究
项目编号: No.61272309
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 缪永伟
作者单位: 浙江工业大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 目前细节高度复杂的三维模型在各领域得到了广泛应用。工业设计领域中,在调整已有复杂模型尺寸或改变其局部形状以适应特定应用需求时如何保持模型的视觉显著特征;数字化文物保护领域中,如何有效增强数字化古文物表面显著特征的可视化,在数字化模型修复时如何有效修复模型表面复杂细节;数字娱乐和数字动漫领域中,在设计具有大量相似区域的复杂脚色模型时如何使设计师从繁重重复劳动中解脱出来以提高其设计效率。针对上述实际应用需求,本项目引进针对模型表面复杂细节的全局和局部几何描述以实现复杂模型内容敏感的建模。基于视觉感知理论,研究模型全局视觉显著度的计算,基于视觉显著度的内容敏感尺度调整和编辑造型技术,视觉显著度驱动的可视化增强技术;基于局部相似性理论,研究模型局部相似性度量的计算,结合相似性度量的内容敏感虚拟修复和拼接技术,基于相似性度量的复杂模型非局部造型技术。同时将构建相应的建模处理原型系统。
中文关键词: 细节高度复杂模型;内容敏感;几何描述;全局视觉显著度;局部相似度
英文摘要: More and more highly detailed 3D models are now applied in geometric modeling and many applications. In the area of industrial design, in order to adjust the available models to suit different surrounding scenes, one important issue is how to preserve effectively the visually salient features of 3D complex models? In the area of cultural relic protection, how to effectively enhance the salient features of the antiquated relics? How to repair the complex geometric details of the cultural relics in the restoration process? In the area of digital entertainment, in order to edit the complex models which possess a large number of similar regions, one key problem is how to reduce the burden on artists for repeatedly performing the similar editing operations? To satisfy these practical demands, this project will focus on content-aware modeling techniques of highly detailed 3D models by using different global and local geometric descriptors. Firstly, owing to the theory of perceptual saliency, this project will propose the robust definition of the global descriptions of visual saliency, and the related modeling techniques, such as, the saliency-based content-aware model resizing and visualization enhancement techniques. Secondly, owing to theory of shape similarity, this project will also present the computational frame
英文关键词: highly detailed model;content-aware;geometric description;global visual saliency;local geometrical similarity